Making it Work

This weekend was a whirlwind of activity, which makes training for my 50 miler….interesting….to say the least.

We drove through the night Friday to reach Indianapolis for my son’s cheer competition. It was a US finals competition and his team ended up placing second!

We turned around and drove through the night Saturday to get back home. The next morning I decided to wake up and hit the trail for what was supposed to be a long run.

I woke up to a very confused mother nature, with temperatures below freezing and very strong, blustery winds. Usually that wouldn’t be a big deal, but I was worried about my eye healing. I pressed on for 10 miles before heading back home to check on my eye.

The intense, cold winds blowing in my face for that long – I just knew it was going to re-damage my corneal abrasions. Luckily, everything seems to be fine. Hitting the treadmill today after I do some housework and homeschooling with the littlest… Kicking it up a notch this week and ramping up mileage over the next few weeks. This week I have another night of bouldering league and then the Rock and Row triathlon this weekend with some friends.

Going to give it all I have and make my training work this week. After successfully completing 5 ultras, I have come to realize that sometimes training doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes, you just have to know your body and know what you’re capable of–and trust that you know what your body needs to get you across the finish line. I have not been able to stick to my training plan for this upcoming race, but I am doing everything I can to get myself across the finish line. It’s a little bit of a leap of faith, hard work, preparation… and giving yourself some grace. Dam Yeti 50 here I come!

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